Island Ram Chevrolet Commercial

Oct 19, 2023

Commercial Vehicles | Check Availability 1-718-533-4103

At Island Ram Chevrolet Commercial, located conveniently in Staten Island, we understand the importance of finding the perfect commercial vehicle for your business. Our knowledgeable team is here to guide you through the process and help you make the best decision for your company. As a dealership that serves not only Staten Island but also customers from New Jersey to Brooklyn, we have a wide selection of new and used work vans and trucks, including the 2022 Ram 1500, 2022 Ram 2500, and 2022 Ram 3500.

In this article, we will address some frequently asked questions regarding buying a commercial truck, specifically the work vans. We will cover important factors such as types of work vans available, financing options, and customization options. So, if you are a business owner in the construction industry, read on to learn more and make an informed decision when purchasing a commercial truck.

Types of Work Vans Available

When it comes to work vans, there are several types available to suit various business needs. Some popular options include cargo vans, passenger vans, and cutaway vans.

Cargo vans are the most common type used for business purposes. They have a large and open cargo space, making them ideal for transporting equipment and goods. These vans are also customizable, allowing you to add racks, shelves, and other features for your specific needs.

Passenger vans, as the name suggests, are designed to transport passengers rather than goods. They are perfect for businesses that require group transportation, such as shuttle services or company outings. These vans come in different sizes, from 7 to 15 passengers, and can be customized to fit your business image.

Cutaway vans are a hybrid of cargo and passenger vans. They have a spacious cargo area and a small passenger area behind the front seats. These vans are versatile and can be used for both transportation and hauling purposes. They are also available in different sizes, giving you flexibility in choosing the right one for your business.

Financing Options

Purchasing a commercial truck is a significant investment, and it’s important to consider your financing options carefully. At Island Ram Chevrolet Commercial, we offer various financing options to help you get the best deal for your business.

Our dealership works with reputable lenders to provide competitive financing rates and terms. We understand that every business is unique, and so are their financial needs. Our team will work closely with you to determine the best financing option based on your budget and credit history.

Additionally, we also offer lease options for commercial trucks. Leasing a vehicle allows businesses to have lower monthly payments and the option to upgrade to a newer model at the end of the lease term. This can be a great option for businesses that prefer not to commit to a long-term ownership.

Customization Options

Since every business has different needs, customization options are essential when purchasing a commercial truck. At Island Ram Chevrolet Commercial, we offer a wide range of customization options to help you tailor your work van to your specific business.

Our customization options include adding shelves, racks, and drawers to make the cargo area more organized and efficient. We also provide options for installing additional lighting, ventilation, and other features to make your work van more practical.

Moreover, we understand that branding plays a significant role in a business’s success, and that’s why we also offer vehicle wraps. Our experienced team can create a personalized wrap for your commercial truck, helping you to stand out on the road and promote your business.


commercial truck financing,

work van customization,

business ownership in the construction industry