Island Ram Chevrolet Commercial

Oct 9, 2023

Commercial Vehicles | Check Availability 1-718-533-4103

For businesses in the construction industry, finding the right commercial vehicle is crucial. It needs to be sturdy, reliable, and able to transport both goods and equipment efficiently. That’s where Island Ram Chevrolet Commercial comes in. Located in Staten Island, our dealership is a one-stop shop for all your commercial vehicle needs. We cater to businesses of all sizes, from New Jersey to Brooklyn, and our team of knowledgeable professionals is committed to helping you find the perfect vehicle for your specific needs.

Our dealership boasts a wide selection of new and used cargo vans and trucks, including the 2022 Ram 1500, 2022 Ram 2500, and 2022 Ram 3500. But one particular vehicle that stands out for businesses in the construction industry is the Goosenecks Car Hauler. In this article, we will delve into the features and benefits of this commercial vehicle and why it is a smart choice for businesses in 08879, New Jersey.

What is a Goosenecks Car Hauler?

The Goosenecks Car Hauler is a specialized commercial vehicle designed for heavy duty hauling. It features a gooseneck hitch, which is a type of hitch that attaches to the bed of a truck rather than the bumper. This design allows for easier maneuvering and a more stable connection between the truck and the trailer. The gooseneck hitch also provides greater towing capacity, making it a top choice for businesses in the construction industry who often need to transport heavy materials and equipment.

Benefits of a Goosenecks Car Hauler

1. Increased Towing Capacity

One of the biggest advantages of a Goosenecks Car Hauler is its increased towing capacity compared to traditional bumper-pull trailers. This is due to the gooseneck hitch being attached to the truck’s bed, which distributes the weight more evenly and reduces the strain on the vehicle. This means that businesses can transport heavier loads, making it a highly efficient and cost-effective choice.

2. Better Stability

The design of the gooseneck hitch also provides better stability while hauling. The hitch itself is positioned over the truck’s rear axle, creating a more balanced load and reducing the risk of swaying or fishtailing. This is especially important for businesses in the construction industry who often have to drive on uneven or unpaved roads with heavy loads.

3. Easier Maneuvering

The positioning of the gooseneck hitch also makes for easier maneuvering, as the trailer pivot point is closer to the truck’s axle. This allows for sharper turns and greater control while navigating through tight spaces, making it a practical choice for businesses in urban areas where space is limited.

4. Versatility in Payload

Another benefit of the Goosenecks Car Hauler is its versatility in terms of payload. It can be used to transport all types of vehicles and equipment, from cars and trucks to heavy machinery and construction materials. This means that businesses can use it for a wide range of jobs without having to invest in multiple specialized vehicles.

Evaluating the Goosenecks Car Hauler

When it comes to evaluating the Goosenecks Car Hauler, there are a few key factors to consider. These will help business owners in 08879, New Jersey make an informed decision about whether this commercial vehicle is the right choice for their specific needs.

1. Towing Capacity

The towing capacity is arguably one of the most important factors to consider when evaluating a Goosenecks Car Hauler. As mentioned earlier, this type of commercial vehicle offers a greater towing capacity compared to traditional trailers. However, it’s important to check the specific towing capacity of the model you are interested in to ensure that it can handle the types of loads your business requires.

2. Trailer Weight

The weight of the trailer itself is another crucial factor to take into account. A heavier trailer means a lower payload capacity, which may not be ideal for businesses that need to transport heavy equipment or multiple vehicles. On the other hand, a lighter trailer may not be as durable or withstand the wear and tear of commercial use.

3. Trailer Length

The length of the trailer can also impact its towing capacity and maneuverability. Longer trailers may provide a greater payload capacity, but they may be more difficult to maneuver in tight spaces. It’s important to consider the specific needs of your business and the types of jobs you will be using the Goosenecks Car Hauler for when evaluating the length of the trailer.

4. Quality and Durability

As with any commercial vehicle, quality and durability are key factors to consider. The Goosenecks Car Hauler should be built to withstand the demands of commercial use and be able to endure rough terrain and heavy loads. It’s important to look for models that are constructed with high-quality materials and backed by a reputable manufacturer.


The commercial vehicle market offers a wide range of options for businesses in the construction industry, but the Goosenecks Car Hauler stands out as a top choice for its increased towing capacity, stability, maneuverability, and versatility. When evaluating this commercial vehicle, it’s essential to consider factors such as towing capacity, trailer weight and length, and overall quality and durability. With the right evaluation and understanding, businesses in 08879, New Jersey can make an informed decision about whether the Goosenecks Car Hauler is the best fit for their needs.


Goosenecks Car Hauler,


construction industry