Island Ram Chevrolet Commercial

Oct 19, 2023

Commercial Vehicles | Check Availability 1-718-533-4103

As a business owner in the construction industry, making the right decisions when it comes to purchasing vehicles for your company is crucial. These vehicles are not just means of transportation, but they are also tools for delivering your products and services to your customers. With that being said, it is important to carefully consider all aspects before investing in a commercial vehicle.

One popular commercial vehicle option for businesses is the Ford Econoline. Known for its durability, versatility, and reliability, the Econoline has been a top choice in the commercial vehicle market for many years. But before you make the decision to purchase a Ford Econoline, there are a few important factors that you should take into account. In this article, we will discuss the top considerations that a business owner in 11209, Brooklyn should have when buying a Ford Econoline.

1. Determine Your Business Needs

The first and most important step when purchasing a commercial vehicle is to assess your business needs. Think about the nature of your business and what tasks the vehicle will be used for. Will you primarily use it to transport tools and materials to job sites? Or will it be used to transport goods to customers? This will help you determine the size and type of vehicle you need, whether it’s a cargo van or truck.

Additionally, consider the road and weather conditions your vehicle will likely encounter. If you work in areas with tough terrain, you may need a vehicle with four-wheel drive. If you frequently operate in cold or snowy areas, you may want to invest in a vehicle with good traction and stability control features.

2. Consider Your Budget

Setting a budget is crucial when making any major purchase, especially for a business. When it comes to commercial vehicles, there are various factors that can impact the cost, such as the size, model, and added features. It is important to consider the short-term and long-term financial implications before making a decision.

Keep in mind that the initial upfront cost is not the only expense you will incur. There are also additional costs to consider such as maintenance, insurance, and fuel. Additionally, it is important to weigh the cost-benefit of purchasing a new or used Ford Econoline. While a new vehicle may come with a higher price tag, it may also come with a longer warranty and fewer maintenance costs.

3. Research Dealerships

Once you have determined your business needs and budget, it’s time to do some research on dealerships. As a business owner in 11209, Brooklyn, you want to find a dealership that is reputable, trustworthy, and offers fair prices. Island Ram Chevrolet Commercial is a top choice for businesses in the area, offering a wide selection of new and used commercial vehicles.

Their knowledgeable and professional team can assist you in finding the right vehicle for your business needs at a competitive price. Plus, their location in Staten Island makes it convenient for customers in both Staten Island and Brooklyn.

4. Inspect the Vehicle

When it comes to purchasing a vehicle, proper inspection is key. As a business owner, you want to ensure that your investment will be worth it in the long run. When inspecting a Ford Econoline, there are a few key areas to pay attention to.

Start with the exterior of the vehicle and check for any visible damages or signs of wear and tear. Then move on to the interior and check for comfort, functionality, and space. Don’t forget to also test drive the vehicle to see how it handles on the road.

5. Consider the Added Features

In addition to the basic features of the vehicle, there are also optional features that you may want to consider. These could include things like advanced safety features, technology upgrades, or additional cargo space. While these features may come at an extra cost, they could bring added value to your business, making it more efficient and productive.


Ford Econoline,

Commercial Vehicles,

Business Needs