Island Ram Chevrolet Commercial

Oct 13, 2023

Commercial Vehicles | Check Availability 1-718-533-4103

Are you a business located in 07206, New Jersey and in need of a reliable commercial vehicle? Look no further than Island Ram Chevrolet in Staten Island, New York. Our dealership specializes in providing businesses of all sizes with the perfect commercial vehicle to fit their needs. From small local deliveries to large industrial projects, we have a wide selection of new and used cargo vans and trucks that can handle any job, all at competitive prices.

As one of the leading commercial dealerships in the tri-state area, we are proud to serve not only Staten Island, but also customers from New Jersey to Brooklyn. Our team of knowledgeable and experienced professionals are here to assist you in finding the right vehicle for your business, with a focus on quality, affordability, and functionality. Whether you’re in the construction industry or any other field, we are confident that we have the perfect vehicle for you at Island Ram Chevrolet Commercial.

Location and customer accessibility are important factors to consider when selecting a dealership for your commercial vehicle needs. With our convenient location in Staten Island, we are easily accessible for businesses in the 07206 area. Our dealership is also just a short drive from New Jersey, making it a top choice for businesses located in the state. Additionally, our wide variety of vehicles and competitive prices make us a top destination for businesses in Brooklyn and beyond.

When it comes to purchasing a cargo van, there are several important factors to consider to ensure that you are making the best decision for your business. From size and capacity to fuel efficiency and customization options, each aspect should be carefully evaluated to find the right fit for your specific needs. Let’s take a closer look at the top things to consider when buying a cargo van.

1. Size and Capacity

The size and capacity of a cargo van is a crucial factor to consider when making a purchase. It’s important to determine how much space you’ll need to transport your goods or equipment for your business. Cargo vans come in various sizes, but the most popular options are the compact models, standard models, and extended models. Compact cargo vans are ideal for small businesses that only require transportation for smaller items. Standard cargo vans offer a bit more space and are perfect for larger deliveries and equipment. Extended cargo vans provide the most space and are ideal for businesses that need to transport bulky or heavy items.

2. Fuel Efficiency

With rising fuel costs, fuel efficiency has become an important consideration for any business looking to purchase a commercial vehicle. When deciding on a cargo van, it’s important to pay attention to its fuel efficiency rating. This will give you an idea of how many miles to the gallon the van will get, which can significantly impact your overall operating costs. Choosing a fuel-efficient van can save your business thousands of dollars in the long run.

3. Customization Options

Every business has unique needs, and a cargo van that is tailored to those needs can greatly improve efficiency and productivity. It’s important to choose a dealership that offers customization options for cargo vans, such as shelving, racks, and other storage solutions. These options will not only optimize the space in your van but also make it easier for you and your employees to organize and access equipment or merchandise.

4. Reliability

Reliability is key when it comes to any vehicle, but it’s especially crucial for a commercial vehicle. The last thing a business owner wants is to have their van break down on the job, causing delays and potentially losing money. That’s why it’s essential to choose a reputable dealership that offers high-quality, dependable vehicles. At Island Ram Chevrolet, we pride ourselves on providing our customers with top-notch, reliable cargo vans and trucks.

5. Financing Options

Another important aspect to consider when purchasing a cargo van is the financing options offered by the dealership. We understand that not all businesses have the same budget and cash flow, which is why we offer various financing options to make owning a cargo van more affordable. Our team of professionals will work with you to find a financing plan that fits your budget and business needs.

Purchasing a cargo van for your business is a significant decision that requires careful consideration. By considering the size and capacity, fuel efficiency, customization options, reliability, and financing options, you can ensure that you make the best choice for your business. And with Island Ram Chevrolet Commercial, you can trust that you are getting a high-quality, dependable vehicle at a competitive price. Contact us today or visit our dealership in Staten Island to find the perfect cargo van for your business needs.


Cargo vans,

commercial vehicles,

Staten Island